
As foundation construction equipment and technologies continue to advance at a fast pace, the need for high quality education and training is more important than ever. ECA recognized the only way to keep up with the advancing technologies was to develop our own 'in-house' training capabilities. ECA has developed in house trainers and has achieved the status as a BAUER Certified Training Partner. Our field experienced instructors are qualified to teach and certify both operators and technicians in several different BAUER training programs.

In addition to our BAUER certifications, ECA is one of the first companies to have a staff member certified to offer NCCCO practical training and conduct certification examinations for both foundation drill rigs (FDR) as well as anchor/micro-pile drill rigs (AMP)

The new ECA Training Center at our Jacksonville, FL branch is now open in order to support the industries growing training needs.

Certified Partner - BAUER Service Training

RG19 T Crew

NCCCO Examinations

In December 2018 the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) and the International Association for Foundation Drilling (ADSC) began assembling the top "Subject Matter Experts" to build a certification program for drilling rig operators. After 18 months, the result was the creation of written and practical exams for Foundation Drill Rig (FDR) and Anchor/Micropile Rig (AMP) machines. The ECA Training Center is the leading NCCCO FDR/AMP Practical Exam host site for operators to obtain their certification.


Operator Training

Offering both Theoretical and Practical Training, trainees will learn the functions and operations of modern equipment. With a curriculum that offers an emphasis on safety,operators will learn and deepen their knowledge of equipment operation and technology. Resulting in improved operational efficiency, a heightened safety awareness and enhanced productivity. Also, this operators training meets the Safety Ministry standards for Canada.


Technical Training

Training that provides both a classroom environment and hands on experience, our BAUER Technical Training Program provides the technical knowledge in the principals and functions of electrical and hydraulic systems. With courses ranging from focus on circuits and components to advanced CAN bus and extended troubleshooting, we help technicians expand their abilities on modern equipment.

NCCCO Practical Exam Schedule

Foundation Drilling Rigs & Anchor/MicroPile Rigs
Examiner: Joe Kinworthy

ECA Training Center
1058 Roland Ave.
Green Cove Springs, FL 32042

Training can also be performed at your location.

Operator Training Schedule

BAUER OT-B Theoretical Drill Rig
Instructor: Jason Martinelli, Mustapha Elwaziki, Jason Church or Burt Kerns

This is a 4.5 day course from 8:00am - 4:30 pm which includes:

Equipment Safety - Stability Charts - Equipment Overview - Equipment Documentation - Equipment Operation - Equipment Technology - Equipment Engineering - Operator Assistant Systems - Undercarriage Systems - KDK Rotary Systems - Kelly Bar Systems - Drilling Methods such as, Kelly Drilling - Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) - Full/Partial Displacement (FDP) - Cutter Soil Mixing (CSM)- Single Column Soil Mixing (SCM) plus: Drilling Tool Selection - Soil Mechanics - Various Operating Screens - Equipment Inspection and Maintenance - Basic Machine Electronics - Basic Machine Hydraulics


February 3-7 Jacksonville FL BAUER OT-B

February 10-14 Toronto ON BAUER OT-B

February 24-28 Boston MA BAUER OT-B

March 3-7 Jacksonville FL BAUER OT-B

March 10-14 Calgary AB BAUER OT-B

March 17-21 Virginia BAUER Technician Training

April 7-11 Vancouver BC BAUER OT-B

April 14-18 Milwaukee WI BAUER OT-B

April 21-25 Pittsburgh PA RTG OT-R 

May 12-16 Ottawa ON BAUER OT-B

May 19-23 Jacksonville FL BAUER OT-B

June 9-13 Toronto ON BAUER OT-B

June 23-27 Toronto ON BAUER Technician Training

July 14-18 Calgary AB BAUER OT-B

July 21-25 Philadelphia PA BAUER OT-B

July 28-Aug. 1 Jacksonville FL BAUER OT-B

July 28-Aug. 1 Vancouver BC BAUER Technician Training

August 11-15 Calgary AB BAUER OT-B

August 18-22 Virginia RTG OT-R

August 25-29 Boston MA BAUER OT-B

September 15-19 Toronto ON BAUER OT-B

December 8-12 Vancouver BC BAUER OT-B

December 8-12 Jacksonville FL RTG OT-R

December 15-19 Jacksonville FL BAUER OT-B

Register for BAUER OT-B and RTG OT-R Training

Register for BAUER Technician Training


KLEMM Technical Training
Instructor: Burt Kerns

KLEMM Model Designations - KLEMM Drill Components - KLEMM Rotary Heads - KLEMM Drifter Heads - Drill Rig Operator Safety - Personal Protective Equipment - Operating Modes Down Procedures - Operating Controls - Control Unit and Display - Protective Operation Modes - Electrical Schematics - Hydraulic Schematics - CAN Bus System - Crowd System Control Block - Shut Down Procedures - Safe Welding Practices - Safety in the Shop - Safety on the Jobsite 


Feb 3 - 7 Virginia KLEMM Operator Training

April 14-18 Toronto ON KLEMM Technician Training

May 5-9 Pittsburgh PA KLEMM Technician Training

June 16-20 Virginia KLEMM Technician Training

September 22-26 Jacksonville FL KLEMM Technician Training

Register for KLEMM Training

Request Training